Alaska 2010 :: Seward's Folly
March 2010 Knik Arm, Colony Glacier & Lake George
March is a pivot month in Alaska. The weather starts to calm down and at some point you need to take the skis off your airplane, find your tires and get them on before it is time put on floats for the summer. My timing could not have been better as Jim was taking his last flight of the season with skis and we did a quick loop up Knik Arm to Lake George and the Colony glacier headwall! As this was my first experience landing on a frozen lake, it was a double treat. We had the lake and glacier to ourselves, although the light conditions were not the best for photography, the headwall was impressive
March 2010 Panda Express
As FedEx started to phase-in the B777, they were a rare sight throughout the system. Good fortune was mine on a trip to Anchorage that I got my first peek and to top it off, it was the Panda Express. Many an amorous Panda has had the pleasure of a free lift between China and the US and FedEx never misses an opportunity to splash them all over the aircraft. The ultimate designer jet.
March 2010 Anchorage Plane Spotting
Spending some time taking airplane pictures!!!
May our paths & errands meet
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